Madam Secretary Wiki

Russell Jackson is a veteran politician who served as White House Chief of Staff under Presidents Conrad Dalton and Elizabeth McCord. Prior to serving as Chief of Staff, he served as a congressman in the United States House of Representatives. He is portrayed by Željko Ivanek.


Early life[]

Russell's father left when he was young. During the summer after his junior year of high school, he and his older brother Kenny were on a fishing trip when their vehicle was hit by a drunk driver; Kenny died at the scene. Russell went on to attend Harvard Law School.


Russell previously served as a congressman in the United States House of Representatives. He first met Conrad Dalton in 2008 during Dalton's unsuccessful run for Governor of California. As Chief of Staff, he is President Dalton's right-hand man and Elizabeth's most frequent point of contact within the White House. Although Russell frequently clashes with Elizabeth due to her unorthodox techniques and lack of political experience, they eventually grow to trust each other.

During his tenure as Chief of Staff, Russell hired Stevie McCord as his intern; Stevie later saved his life by administering CPR when he suffered a heart attack in his office.

Russell was succeeded as Chief of Staff by Jay Whitman following his resignation.

Behind the Scenes[]

Russell Jackson was portrayed by Željko Ivanek in Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Madam Secretary.


  • Russell's wife Carol is a pediatric surgeon.
  • Russell has a photographic memory.
  • Russell is an alumnus of Harvard Law School.
  • Russell has several unnamed sons.